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America's Relationships With Internet 6 years ago

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Most Americans access the Internet for no particular reason - just to have fun, according to a study by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. This is especially true for young people up to 30 years. On any day of the week, 53% of all respondents aged from 18 to 29 years old go online to have fun.

The researchers concluded that Americans as a whole began to use the Internet more often in their daily lives, which was facilitated by broadband penetration. The popularity of social networks and video resources also contributes to the growth of the web audience. However, today, according to a new analysis of research data, 15% of US adults do not use the Internet.

Why Americans Do Not Go Online?

15% of American adults do not use the Internet or e-mail, the Pew Research Center, a research organization, estimated. According to published results of a survey conducted among 2.5 thousand residents of the United States over 18, more than a third of respondents (34%) say that the Internet does not matter to them and they consider it a waste of time. But for those who need the Internet, there is a list of recommended USA online casino sites to have fun on the web.

32% of Americans who are not connected to the Network also believe that the Internet is difficult to use. 19% of respondents complained about too high prices for Internet services and computers. 7% said that the Internet was “physically inaccessible” for them, another 7% named other reasons.

Most adult Americans who do not use the Internet have no online experience, and they need help to get started on the Web, said Katherine Zikur, an analyst at the Pew Research Center. More than 40% of residents of the United States who did not go online asked their friends or relatives to find any information for them on the Internet, she added.

What Do Americans Do on the Internet?

According to TNS, the majority of Americans - 53% - do not just sit on the Internet, but are engaged in e-mail correspondence. 17% spend time on social networks, and 5% play online games. Another 5% of Americans spend time on the Web for planning and training, the rest of the “items” occupy fewer users. Multimedia resources attracted only 1% of respondents.

How the Internet is Connected with Age, Education, and Income?

For comparison: 44% of Americans are 65 years old and older and only 17% of US residents are between 50 and 64 years old. Also, the Internet is not very popular among people with incomplete secondary education (41% of them do not use the Internet) and among people whose family income is less than $ 30,000 per year (24%).

Even in spite of the fact that 85% of Americans regularly use the Internet, 9% of the inhabitants of the leading economic power of the world do not have access to the Network from home. 44% of them explain this desire to save money or unwillingness to purchase a computer for home use.